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Ultimate Guide to Scales and Arpeggios Bundle


You’ve played scales…but not like this! Every guitarist should know a minimum of four distinct forms (positions and fingerings) for each scale to effectively cover the full fingerboard. Complete knowledge of scales and arpeggios is essential to the mastery of all musical instruments. Guitar Master’s Ultimate Guide to Scales and Arpeggios is a four-book series that gives guitarists a logical, systematic approach to mastering all the major and minor scales including arpeggios.

  • Nearly 200 pages of major and minor scales and arpeggios in each book–almost 800 pages in all!
  • major and minor scales, and arpeggios with dominant and diminish-seventh modulation
  • Chord progressions
  • Fingering and position marking
  • Tablature section of major and minor scales

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This collection includes all four Guitar Master Scales and Arpeggios books:

  • Book 1 the cornerstone of the series. It is imperative that the student becomes completely familiar with the form presented in this book before advancing to other books in the series.
  • Book 2 features the 3-octave scale.
  • Book 3 –  sets the stage for improvisation and complete guitar mastery, combining the scale forms of Books 1, 2, and 3. Book 3 introduces you to some of the most significant and indispensable keys to cultivating musical genius — advanced chord progression using the whole tone scale and the cycle of fifths.
  • Book 4 – includes two scale forms and covers other advanced topics such as double stops and chromatics. No serious musician should be without this advanced musical knowledge for unrivaled technical skill and complete creative freedom.

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