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Scales for Beginners


Cover 13 major scales, including sharps and flats, and accelerate your learning of musical notes and the neck of the guitar up to the fourth fret. Tablature, fingering, and notes are on every page, along with important advice on picking, making this the perfect first book for the new guitarist.

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With Guitar Master, you won’t just play scales. You will modulate through all the major keys by use of the dominant-seventh arpeggio–the fundamental shift you hear in every song from rock to country to classical to jazz. Key shifts by way of modulation are a fundamental element in music composition and solo performance. The guitar, however, presents a very unique challenge because a scale can be performed in a variety of ways using different positions and fingerings. The guitarist who is unfamiliar with multiple methods for moving through the scales and across the entire length of the guitar is at an extreme disadvantage, both mechanically and creatively. Scales and arpeggios are the secrets of great guitar playing and soloing. Few people–even some other guitarists–will recognize when you are practicing scales with the Guitar Master system because many of them sound like songs.

  • 13 major scales with tablature and fingering
  • Covers sharps and flats
  • Letters over every note to help you learn site reading