Renowned guitarist, Joe Sgro is a musical genius who has recorded hundreds of records with top named artists too numerous to mention. Composer, Arranger, Conductor, and Teacher, Sgro was featured as the “world’s greatest guitarist” on the Ed McMahon show. A child prodigy, Sgro gave his first concert at the age of ten. Since then, he’s worked with practically all the big names in show business including Jackie Gleason, Jan Murray, Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, the Victor Hugo band, the Paul Whiteman orchestra, and the Dave Steven’s orchestra at CBS to name a few. Joe Sgro has appeared with the Philadelphia orchestra under guest conductors Percy Faith, Andre Kostelanitz and Eugene Ormandy, and played with the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra whenever plectrum stringed instruments are required. Sgro’s level of guitar mastery is unrivaled. Learn his amazing system through Guitar Master.
Joe Sgro on his picking technique
“Early in my career during the 1920’s, I was greatly inspired by the artistry of pianist Art Tatum. After hearing him, I realized that I couldn’t play on the guitar the same complex and intricate arpeggios and scale passages that he played on the piano. Upon examination, I discovered the problem was in the use of the pick. This led me to develop a completely new approach to using the pick, which I call the “JS System of Slur-Alternate Picking.” This new approach gave me greater efficiency, flexibility, and a smoother flowing sound.
“I commend Jim Tillman, right from my heart, for taking on the mammoth task to document, publish, and preserve for posterity the JS Slur-Alternate Picking technique. It will be a great aid to guitarists all over the world. I give him the highest accolades for such distinguished work. I don’t know who else would have had the ability to put it in writing.
“It is with great pride and personal pleasure that I give Jim Tillman–one of my former students, and author of the guitar master study system–the right to use my name, photographs, and present my picking technique in his publications. This unique system, I believe, will revolutionize the art of guitar playing.
“I highly endorse and recommend this method for all aspiring guitarists.”
–Joseph Sgro